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To be a highly ethical non-profit organization dedicated to raising the standard of education and eradicating illiteracy in Africa and beyond.


To educate every willing individual, using Mathematics as an innovative and unique tool in improving the quality of education across all levels and demonstrate that knowledge of Mathematics can enhance the quality of human life.


1.Increase understanding of Mathematics across all levels of education in Africa and beyond from play group to higher institution.

2.Encourage and reward students, individuals and institutions that display high level of interests, performances or skills in Mathematics.

3.Educate school dropouts, illiterates and every willing individualĀ on the importance/uses of Mathematics in everyday life.

4.Train Mathematics teachers/educatorsĀ so as to give the best to their students.

5.Make learning Mathematics fun and interesting to all students to discourage the myth that Mathematics is difficult to learn or has no real life application.

6.Show students and professionals how Mathematics is related to any field or career they choose to study or are already into and help them understand how to apply it in their various fields.

7.Increase competency in different aspects of Mathematics among student across all levels.

8.Partner with international agencies, governments and private sectors in training individuals using Mathematics and related fields to help attain a higher level of understanding in their profession.